AN DAO Proposal
Gardens V2
Available Work
Gardens Swarm Contributions
- Marketing for Hedgey OTC deal on Twitter, Discord. $HNY sold out in 3 days! $8k in xDAI for Gardens Swarm from $HNY raised in Funding Proposal.
- Superfluid Fix - Tiago discovered Retroactive streams weren’t flowing anymore - was only a UI issue. Worked with Superfluid on updating to v2 as a fix.
- Gardens update in the Monthly recap:
- Supporting Aragon on Tao Voting proposal for AN DAO.
- Running @gardendao on Twitter - last 2 weeks of activity:
- 2 tweets
- 3.6k tweet impressions
- 1,419 profile visits
- 10 new followers
- 10 mentions
Continue working on vesting app, this past sprint was focused on mobile and tablet ui improvements. The next sprint will be focused on ui improvements on all forms.