Hedgey OTC Sale
Gardens v2
Gardens Swarm Contributions
- Continued work on Gardens v2 funding proposal: https://www.notion.so/Gardens-v2-a108756f2d644949a943ae14d55cb6c0
- Updated timeline, budget, features, and added Aragon data
- Keeping Gnosis Chain updated on our progress
- Worked with Alex to set up transactions from Gnosis Safe for Hedgey OTC deal
- Funding for Sprint #31 - found tokens scattered across Gnosis Chain, Polygon, zksync, and mainnet from Gitcoin and Giveth donations, converted to WXDAI and set up payments
- Staked PAN from donations in Panvala to up our PAN distribution: https://staking.panvala.com/
- Support for AN DAO on proposal to test out Gardens for DAO migration
- Running @gardendao on Twitter - last 2 weeks of activity:
- 4 tweets
- 2.4k tweet impressions
- 4,366 profile visits
- 15 new followers
- 59 mentions
Tiago And Felipe